

If you are a computer science student at Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin and you have fun with automated program testing, fuzzing, and debugging, you should do a bachelor’s or master’s thesis with me. If you are interested, please send me (or career-se.informatik@lists.hu-berlin.de) a letter of motivation and your most recent transcript of records.

💡 Please note that due to an update to our mailing server, the new email address for SE career-related inquiries is now career-se.informatik@lists.hu-berlin.de!

Supervised Theses

Exploring Explanation Strategies: A User Study on Automated Debugging Tools
Christopher Lazik - (now: PhD Student @ Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Explaining Mispredictions of Machine Learning Models with Influential Input Features
Dennis Buchwinkler

Detecting Non-Functional Behavior with Evoulationary Grammar-Based Fuzzing
Gergö Miklovics

Explaining Pathological Behaviour of Self-Adaptive Systems
Tobias Kiecker - (now: PhD Student @ Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Summer 2023

Machine Learning for Debugging
Semester Project, Summer 2023, Bachelor Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Winter 2021/2022

Automated Software Engineering
Seminar, Winter 2021, Master Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin